You & I

The difference between you and I is the perception I see. You want to to be near the beach and drink your life away; I want to live by the water and write. I want to have my wine and think of what was, and that it is only what it "was," but no longer "is." I want to write the story of the way I felt it was and how I want to leave it in my heart and mind, wonderful. I want to write of life and how I am now due to all my struggles throughout so far. I want to tell a story of what good I know of you, not the bad I sometimes see with my eyes. I want to cling to the beautiful moments and keep that portrait in my mind, knowing that we were a moment. A moment I can rest in my thoughts and write the beauty of how it made me feel.I want to be inspired not only for my heartbreak, but for my happiness as well. I want to no longer attach myself to wanting you, but let you go in the wind. Like a helium ballon, a feeling of relief, but such joy of watching you disappear in the sky.I want to say goodbye, yet embrace my everyday hellos to our memory. I want to write a story of my life, and how you are only a part of who I am now. As of now you are no part, simply a memory. I want to write of what is real now, and you no longer exist. Only in my story will you have a role. My role now is me, my story, my memories that have made me today.


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