
Life is busy in my world. I live in a vacation world and I am grateful everyday. Some higher power has allowed me to overcome fears, heartache, and failure. Although my heart still becomes overwhelmed with a love I do not think will ever return, I have forgiven him and myself. I always feel him near me, but the hard pain has passed. I have let go of the hope of us, but not the hope that he will become the person I know he can be. I have had many memories that did not last, but the memories will always be there. I have a heart of a giant, but I have hibernated it for years. I feel it is awakening. Not for a love of a man, but for my life, my children more than ever, and myself. I could not of wrote this even a year ago, but I am content in my heart and I feel postive that life is only going to get better. I know I will have more trials and losses, but I can never feel as low as I did a few years ago. Time does heal. My mom was once again right. Time has made me stronger and less worrysome. I live for here and now, not the past or the future. I can only control my actions today, and I choose to be the best I can. Today.


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