
She would spit like a boy,
and run like a girl, pick her nose
and the ants off her
grandmother's rose buds.

She would show her tongue
in pure dislike or like,
walk outside with bare feet
in snow, or to climb trees.

Her words, obvious and true,
but her voice was shattered
from the switch of respect,
even when elders were the matter.

She lost the life and her story
she knew she wanted to be,
but always wrong to speak,
she was kicked to perch,
she balanced like a bird.

Pretty blond baby, blue eyes
and cotton hair, innocence stolen
once she spoke with her mouth.
So she ran in circles in her head,
thoughts ricocheted side by
side, lost in a bed of lies.

Truth imprisoned her life and
cried fiction, an unheard character,
dismissed to survive, while
Burden grew with bravery & pride.


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