I love, but I can dislike you all in once. It is a love/hate relationship. Your touch can tickle my emotions like a chocolate craving one day and the next like needled rain. It is who I am. Marilyn Monroe's quote "If you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best," is a true statement of me. I am sure others feel the same yet can not admit it. I had a psychiatrist tell me one time that a person who is in love all the time will die from an ulcer. Perhaps writers die early because they are always in love of writing something better, but never feel it is enough. Butterflies are anxiety, not actual cocoons swimming in your tummy. Perhaps I am a lover to myself. I have days I love everyone, others...no one. I am irrational, yet sometimes never enough. The only true person who can contaminate my dreams is me. As much as I would like to blame the ones who hurt me, I cannot. Depending on how I accept the fate is my fruitful outcome. I thank myself for letting them go, I stab myself with thoughts of caring for their own. I am a kind lover, but a selfish thinker. My thoughts are my own and the only ones you see is what you read.
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