Something is happening to me. I have read that one changes every three years. I have. I can say hello to my ex-boyfriend that I have avoided on and off for four years. I can say no. Although I am still scared of failure, I face challenge. I would rather fail than not try. I do not want to run from fear, but to face it. I do not want to run away, but to walk to a better life. I want to admit why I am the way I am, and know I am the only one to fix it, yet not the one who caused it. I am anxious and scared of rejection, but I can accept it. My past has given me a future. I want everything that I have always denied. Everything. I am capable of having nothing, but I want what most people say they don't, but they truly do. Love. Respect. Companionship. I am happy with me. I like the me I have become. The only problem is, I only know me. I have let noone in. People see me, but noone knows me. I am my own little secret.
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