Sleep Wars
Being tired seems to do me well in the aspect of thinking of nothing other than sleep. I suppose then that everything does happen for a reason. Perhaps I should stay tired more often, simply so I do not dream badly, or think of bad things. As of now, all I can day-dream of while my eyes will not rest is sleep,dreamless. Death, not my death, comes over me once I awake from having the pleasure of too much sleep. I woke with no deadly emotion today, yet a motion that is very sluggish. If my eyes were an eight-ball they would let the world read "sleepy" while they look like they are floating back in my head. Is this what sleep deprivation feels like, talking about ridiculous nonsense that makes sense only if one is as deprived as me. My eyes are eight-balling again, "tired." I wonder if someone can read my eyes. I can read the heaviness and my brain has not decided to listen, or continue to allow me to rest. At least I am awake away from the dreams of the past...I am a walking zombie of the present. Not sure if one is better than the other. Sleep and I have a platonic affair. There is no love or hate, simply a war.
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